You can use UltraMixer as a jukebox (e.g. in bars or restaurants) to play music in the background when no DJ is needed (e.g. at a wedding dinner), as an automatic mix machine at your private garten party, or on a moderation route. The UltraMixer “Auto DJ” takes over this job in perfection. Many special features have been integrated for this function.
Where can I find the Auto DJ mode in UltraMixer?
You find the Auto-DJ Button in the Fading Widget or the Mixing Area of your UltraMixer. Just open this menu and choose the respective widget. The Fading Widget is available in every view of UltraMixer.
How does the Auto DJ work?
Activate the sync function in addition to the Auto DJ and UltraMixer automatically adjusts the beats on the panels. The length of the diaphragms / transitions can be set here as desired. It ranges from 0.1 seconds to a maximum of 20 seconds of fading duration. This creates a non-stop music mix without UltraMixer having to be operated continuously. The entire time can be edited via the playlist / wishlist during auto mixing without interrupting the mix. You can change the order of tracks, add new tracks or exchange them. When the “Duration” function is activated in the playlists, you’ll always have an overview at which time the auto mix ends.
How can I configure it?
If the above functions are not enough, you’ll also find an “Auto DJ” menu under Settings / Mixing. Here you can adjust further settings such as a BPM sync limit, asynchronous fading or getting the crossfader moved automatically when Auto DJ starts and stops.
Skipping a track without interrupting Auto DJ:
With a left click on “NEXT” the next track of the opposite playlist is started independently and faded in with the crossfader. The button is off during this process. The skipped title is only ended after the transition has been completed.
Do you have any questions or requests for changes? Please send us an email via our contact form.
We look forward to your feedback!